Beyond the Bit Training


Horse Trainers, Breeders and Sales

Working with Yellowstone area horse trainers is exceptional and home to some of the best in the business.  Plus, you can find quality horse breeders and many horse sales in the Wyoming, Montana and Idaho area. 

Weaver Quarter Horses



Montana- raised foundation bred quarter horses.As a family operation, our ranch is based in the Bear Paw Mountains with the main income from cows.  Our quarter horses are used to work cattle.

 (406) 378-2600



Briggs Ranch & Quarter Horses

    We know a dream horse doesn’t come along every day.  And dreaming, as near as we know, never trained a horse.  But we like that idea about a dream horse.  We think everyone should have a dream horse.  We  reach for the dream every day and believe it will appear and it does appear more often than you might think.  


Clark Management Co.

We pride ourselves on working with the consignors in our sale as they have proven to bring the type of horses that are safe and sound and that our buyers need and deserve.  We list the number of year’s each consignor has been with us, thus verifying their proven history of sales they’ve had with our Auction.

(307) 272-4563














Discovery Map 

Find WHO & WHAT you need!

Handy Horse Resource for Area Horse Owners 

Horse Trainers / Breeders / Sales

Horse Care

Services / Transport Arenas /  Boarding

Clubs / Associations

Do more Horsin’ Around  this summer